It was fun seeing you in Munich, and onwards to Part 2!
Before you start on this week’s content, we have a few announcements:
- Leonie (from design session in Munich) is holding online feedback appointments Wed 6 March 2024 13:00-16:00. If you’d like an individual appointment with Leonie, SIGN UP HERE
- The second half will be more loosely structured than the first half. This is to give you freedom on your individual paths. You are welcome to continue to put entries in your Journey Scrapbook, but templates for each lesson will no longer be provided. We have heard some of you prefer to work on Miro, sketchbook, or other format.
- Following your feedback, we have updated the course schedule with 2x MVP lessons and compressing the legal structure and accounting into 1 lesson.
- Links to your lovely photos and pitch recordings
- Note the next LIVE online session Tue 26 Mar 2024 15:00-16:00. You should have received a calendar invite from Maria-José. Here are the details: Click here to join the meeting Meeting ID: 326 325 805 406 Passcode: 8bVEaV
Watch this interview (new) & video (review from Munich)
I talk to Irene Verde, communication designer at Humankind about the importance of branding to the identity of your company
PRO TIP: click below to download an AUDIO ONLY version so that you can listen on the go!
PRO TIP: click below to download an AUDIO ONLY version so that you can listen on the go!
This Lesson & Munich
To prepare for the Munich SPRINT Program, you should have the two steps completed
- Step 1: Make a 10 second pitch
- Step 2: Map your business model using the instructions below
Whatever lesson you have skipped so far is wise to catch up with. The last sessions build on top of each other, so skipping the previous three might cause some issues.
1) Refine Your Design Board
Now that you’ve reviewed fonts, colors, and logos, continue working on your Design Board that you started in Munich. Here is the Miro Board link again for reference.
2) Book an appointment with Leonie
Leonie (from design session in Munich) is holding online feedback appointments Wed 6 March 2024 13:00-16:00. If you’d like an individual appointment with Leonie, SIGN UP HERE
Already looking ahead to Lesson 9, we want to share with you some tools that you can use to start developing your Minimum Viable Product. More on this in a couple weeks!